Mongolian Coal Study for 2020-2050

Client: Mitsubishi Development Duration: 2022

Scope: Mitsubishi Development Pty, Australia commissioned Key Engineering Solutions LLC to undertake a comprehensive Mongolian Coal Study for the period 2020-2050. The objective of this study was to provide valuable insights into Mongolia’s coal industry, including production trends, market dynamics, and future prospects.


  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Our team meticulously collected and analyzed data related to Mongolia’s coal reserves, production capacity, and historical trends. We also considered external factors such as global energy demand, environmental policies, and technological advancements to assess the long-term outlook for Mongolian coal.

  2. Market Evaluation: We conducted an in-depth analysis of the global coal market, focusing on key factors such as supply and demand dynamics, pricing trends, and emerging market opportunities. This evaluation provided a comprehensive understanding of Mongolia’s position in the international coal market and identified potential strategies for market penetration and growth.

  3. Environmental Impact Assessment: We assessed the environmental impact of coal mining activities in Mongolia, taking into account factors such as air and water pollution, land degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions. This evaluation aimed to identify areas for improvement and suggest sustainable practices for the coal industry.

  4. Policy and Regulatory Analysis: Our team reviewed existing policies and regulations governing the coal sector in Mongolia. We assessed their effectiveness in promoting sustainable coal mining practices and recommended policy measures to align with international standards and best practices.

Feasibility Study for 600,000 Tons per Year Briquette Plant

Client: Institute of Energy Economics, Tavantolgoi Tulsh LLC Duration: 2022

Scope: Institute of Energy Economics, in collaboration with Tavantolgoi Tulsh LLC, engaged Key Engineering Solutions LLC to conduct a comprehensive Feasibility Study for a 600,000 Tons per Year Briquette Plant. The study aimed to assess the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of establishing a briquette plant with a significant production capacity.


  1. Technical Assessment: Our team conducted a detailed technical evaluation of the briquette plant project. This included assessing the availability and quality of coal feedstock, examining briquetting technologies, and determining the optimal plant configuration and equipment specifications to achieve the desired production capacity.

  2. Market Analysis: We conducted an in-depth analysis of the market for coal briquettes, considering factors such as demand, pricing trends, and competition. This analysis provided valuable insights into the market dynamics and potential opportunities for Tavantolgoi Tulsh LLC to position itself strategically and capture market share effectively.

  3. Economic Evaluation: Our team performed a comprehensive economic analysis to evaluate the financial viability of the briquette plant. This assessment involved estimating the capital investment required, operational costs, revenue projections, and financial indicators such as payback period and return on investment. The evaluation provided valuable insights into the economic feasibility of the project and helped in making informed investment decisions.

  4. Environmental Impact Assessment: We conducted an assessment of the potential environmental impact of the briquette plant. This included analyzing factors such as air emissions, waste management, and land use. By considering environmental regulations and best practices, we provided recommendations to mitigate any adverse effects and promote sustainable operations.

  5. Risk Analysis: Our team conducted a comprehensive risk assessment, identifying potential risks and uncertainties associated with the establishment and operation of the briquette plant. This analysis helped in developing risk management strategies and ensuring the project’s long-term success.

The Feasibility Study conducted by Key Engineering Solutions LLC for the Institute of Energy Economics and Tavantolgoi Tulsh LLC provided valuable insights and recommendations for the establishment of a 600,000 Tons per Year Briquette Plant. Our findings supported informed decision-making and assisted in developing a robust business plan for the client, enabling them to explore the potential of this promising venture in the coal industry.

Feasibility Study for Coal Loading Station Terminal

Client: Soyolon LLC, Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC Duration: 2021

Scope: Soyolon LLC, in collaboration with Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC, engaged Key Engineering Solutions LLC to conduct a comprehensive Feasibility Study for a Coal Loading Station Terminal. The study aimed to assess the technical, economic, and logistical aspects of establishing a terminal for loading and transporting coal, catering to the needs of the mining industry.


  1. Technical Assessment: Our team conducted a thorough technical evaluation of the proposed Coal Loading Station Terminal. This involved assessing the site location, analyzing the required infrastructure, and determining the optimal layout and design for efficient coal handling and loading operations. We also considered factors such as safety, equipment selection, and automation possibilities to enhance operational efficiency.

  2. Market Analysis: We conducted an in-depth analysis of the coal market, including demand, supply, pricing trends, and competition. This analysis provided valuable insights into the market dynamics and helped in determining the terminal’s capacity requirements and potential for attracting coal producers and customers.

  3. Logistics and Transportation: Our team evaluated the logistics and transportation aspects associated with the Coal Loading Station Terminal. This involved analyzing transportation routes, connectivity to mining sites, and existing infrastructure for seamless coal transport. We also considered factors such as rail and road connectivity, storage capacity, and loading/unloading processes to ensure smooth and cost-effective coal logistics.

  4. Economic Evaluation: We performed a comprehensive economic analysis to assess the financial viability of the Coal Loading Station Terminal. This involved estimating the capital investment required, operational costs, revenue projections, and financial indicators such as payback period and return on investment. The evaluation provided insights into the economic feasibility of the project and helped in making informed investment decisions.

  5. Environmental Impact Assessment: We conducted an assessment of the potential environmental impact of the terminal. This included analyzing factors such as air emissions, noise pollution, and potential effects on local ecosystems. By considering environmental regulations and best practices, we provided recommendations to minimize any adverse environmental effects and promote sustainable operations.

Our findings and recommendations assisted the client in evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of the project, enabling them to make informed decisions and explore the potential for efficient coal transportation and logistics.

Feasibility Study and Technical Consulting Services for a 30 Million Tons per Year Coal Handling and Preparation Plant Project

Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC Duration: 2021

Scope: Key Engineering Solutions LLC partnered with Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC to conduct a detailed feasibility study and provide technical consulting services for the development of a state-of-the-art coal handling and preparation plant. The project aimed to assess the practicality and viability of establishing a plant with a production capacity of 30 million tons per year, focusing on efficient coal handling, preparation, and processing.

Project Highlights:

  1. Site Assessment and Selection: Our team conducted an extensive site assessment, evaluating various factors such as geographical location, infrastructure availability, access to transportation, and environmental considerations. The objective was to identify the optimal site for the coal handling and preparation plant, ensuring efficient operations and minimal environmental impact.

  2. Process Design and Optimization: Key Mineral Solution LLC employed its expertise in process design to optimize the coal handling and preparation processes. We analyzed each step of the workflow, including coal receiving, storage, crushing, screening, and washing, to enhance efficiency, minimize waste generation, and improve overall plant performance.

  3. Technological Evaluation and Equipment Selection: We conducted a thorough evaluation of coal handling and preparation technologies and equipment available in the market. Our team assessed various options for conveyor systems, crushers, screens, and other equipment to determine the most suitable solutions that would meet the project’s requirements for productivity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

  4. Financial and Economic Analysis: Our experts performed a comprehensive financial and economic analysis to assess the project’s financial viability. We evaluated capital investment requirements, operational costs, revenue projections, and financial risks, providing Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC with valuable insights into the project’s potential returns on investment and financial feasibility.

Exemplary Projects and Expert Consultancy in Mining and Energy

Our company has an impressive track record in the mining and energy sectors, with successful completion of projects such as:

  • Aspire Mining Limited: Technical consulting for a 5 MTPA coal handling preparation plant in Tsetserleg Sum, Khuvsgul Province.
  • Institute of Energy Economics: Feasibility study and consulting for an 80,000 tons per year briquette plant at the Khushuut coal mine.
  • Tugrug Nuur Development Co., Ltd.: Scoping study for lignite coal chemical technology at the Tugrug Nuur project.
  • Tavantolgoi Tulsh LLC: Consulting for a feasibility study of a metallurgical coke plant with a capacity of 500,000 tons per year.
  • Soyolon LLC, Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC: Feasibility study consulting for a 20 million tons coal loading station terminal.

These projects, along with our extensive portfolio, demonstrate our expertise in mineral processing, coal preparation, coal-based chemical and energy industry, renewable energy, and open pit mine design. Our team of experienced Mongolian experts, with 15 to 35 years of professional experience, provide professional consultancy to mineral sector enterprises.

With our dedication to delivering high-quality results and ensuring project success, we are committed to contributing to the growth and sustainability of the mining and energy sectors. Contact us today to explore how we can help with your project.
